Shipping projection

This tool helps you determine how long and when you'll reach a target number of eggs shipped/fueled given natural offline chicken population growth. (If you would like to see the scope of the tool expanded, check the FAQ section below.)
Fields with purple labels are required for projection.
You're advised to take a screenshot of your farm's "stats" screen (9-dot menu -> stats) in order to accurately fill out several fields in the form.
Most input fields accept OoM units: {{ => unit.symbol).join(', ') }}. E.g. your target number of eggs can be "10T".


Q: Why not fill various parameters automatically?
A: Projection is very sensitive to researches. Synced game backup served by the game server can be lagging behind current state by an unpredictable amount of time; depending on the lag the projection can be way off. Additionally, it is not exactly easy to reliably trigger a sync and have it be available from the server whenever you want. Given the lag-sensitivity (more so than all my existing tools, with the possible exception of the solo tracking part of coop tracker), I opt for the manual entry route with less confusion potential, at least for now.
Q: Any plan to support boosts?
A: No.